Agriculture- AI (Agri Tech)
India, an Agriculture-prone Country, our Farmers need the help of Science & Technology to make them get rid of the unseasonal climatic conditions and harshness that they are facing due to rampant us of Pesticides. Many even don’t know how to generate good produce and in this situation the livelihoods of Small and Marginal Farmers have been deteriorating over the Years. We at Incubator are ready with innovative methods that will employed maximizing production and minimizing risks that are associated with Farming Process and thus focus on the core process of developing farm produce, improving services & augmenting the supply chain all with the help of emerging Technologies.
Areas of Interest
Farm Automation & Management Water Use Efficiency and Management Post-Harvest Processing Raw Materials, Supply Chain and Logistics (Sales Model) Financial Inclusion

Food Sector
Food Sector of India has grown multifold in last many years Post-Liberalization and Post- Globalization & this will develop to whole new level due to advent of newer technologies and StartUps in it. The Changing Patterns of Consumers post-pandemic will play a vital role in defining the Food Industry of India. SIBIC is keen to support the early age StartUps, Innovations and Businesses to grow and incubate to change the pattern and serve the needs of Ever-Changing Food Sector of India